Escape Sequences and Raw Strings in Python

In the previous article we saw some string programs to demonstrate common characteristics of Strings in Python, now let us examine the concept of escape sequences and raw strings in Python. Imagine the below statement as part of a program The program fails to execute simply because the apostrophe interferes with the program’s syntax where … Read more

String Formatting in Python

In the previous article, we saw the use of escape sequences and raw strings now let us discuss Formatted Strings in Python, When we want to print formatted data, suppose combining multiple strings we can use the + operator. While something like this would work in practice, it would require a lot of plus operator … Read more

Slicing in Python (Tuples, Strings, Lists)

In the previous article we explored the conversions of Binary to Decimal. Now we will explore the concept of slicing, slicing in Python is the process of extracting a specific sub portion of an iterable data structure, according to the user-specified criteria. Very often, it is necessary to get not one certain element, but a … Read more

Strings in Python

In the previous article we saw how could obtain the prime factors of a number, now we will examine the role of Strings in Python. A string consists of a sequence of characters, it is typically used to store text data. Any other object in Python can be translated to the string that matches it. To … Read more

Common String Operations in Python

In the previous article we have seen some of the list operations and string operations in python. Now we will look at some more vital string operations, keywords or functions in Python. Transformation/Manipulation of Strings There are a number of fun methods that we can use to transform our string text. Among those more important for … Read more

Lists in Python | Strings in Python – Complete Guide

In this article we will look at the list basics, appending elements to lists, removing list elements, sorting list elements, joining lists and various other fundamental list operations. We will also have a look at strings and the various operations that can be performed on them in Python. Lists in Python In the previous article … Read more