Complete Java Tutorial for Beginners

In this tutorial post, I am going to cover all the core java concepts that is necessary for getting started in the java programming language. I will start from the bare basics assuming that this is the first time you will be interacting with java programming language. After completing this tutorial you will be ready … Read more

Type Conversion in Python

While Python handles data types automatically, sometimes the program may require us to use exact specific data types rather than relying on the language to figure out what data types would be appropriate. Data types in Python allow you to classify data, define the values ​​that can be assigned, and the operations that can be … Read more

Python Integers: Type Casting and Doubling Integers | Swapping Values | Concatenation of Integers

In this article we will revise the Python Integer concepts we have previously gone through in while discussing Integer data types, we will have a look at how to solve common Integer problems involving type casting/conversion, doubling, swapping of integer values and the concatenation of integer values in Python. Typecasting and doubling Python Integers problem … Read more

Common String Operations in Python

In the previous article we have seen some of the list operations and string operations in python. Now we will look at some more vital string operations, keywords or functions in Python. Transformation/Manipulation of Strings There are a number of fun methods that we can use to transform our string text. Among those more important for … Read more

Lists in Python | Strings in Python – Complete Guide

In this article we will look at the list basics, appending elements to lists, removing list elements, sorting list elements, joining lists and various other fundamental list operations. We will also have a look at strings and the various operations that can be performed on them in Python. Lists in Python In the previous article … Read more

Tuples in Python | Lists In Python

In this article we will examine the operations that can be performed mainly on tuples, strings and lists. We will look at accessing tuple elements, counting the occurrence of a specific element within the tuples, searching for elements, and joining tuples and an introduction to lists. Tuples in Python Tuples in Python are the same … Read more

Upload Data in MongoDB Atlas from local computer

In this particular post, I’m going to tell you the easiest way to upload data into the MongoDB atlas cluster database. You must have come across a lot of other ways to upload data to MongoDB atlas using your MongoDB bash shell, creating individual documents, etc. All the other methods except mentioned in this post … Read more