Python terminology: Keywords, Variables, Functions, Packages and Modules

In the last article we have gone through the definition of programming languages, have discussed the Python programming language along with it’s basic syntax, benefits, usage and some concepts which Python follows. In today’s article we will have a look at the python programming structure, some more statements, and other fundamental python concepts. Python terminologies … Read more

Download and Install Python | Best Text Editors/IDEs for Python|How Python Handles Code Execution

In today’s article we will look at how to download and install Python and execute the code. We will also have a deeper look at how Python handles the code and translates it into machine understandable form. The latest available public release of Python is 3.9.6 and can be run on Windows, macOS or Linux/Unix … Read more

Python Basics | Comments in Python | Why is Python Popular | Websites Using Python

In this article we go through some of the fundamentals of Python programming language. Programming languages are the specially designed tool for expressing instructions to a computer system. Out of the various different programming languages, Python has emerged as one of the top frequently used languages especially since it is versatile, flexible and can handle … Read more

Upload Data in MongoDB Atlas from local computer

In this particular post, I’m going to tell you the easiest way to upload data into the MongoDB atlas cluster database. You must have come across a lot of other ways to upload data to MongoDB atlas using your MongoDB bash shell, creating individual documents, etc. All the other methods except mentioned in this post … Read more

Pair With Given Sum in Unsorted Array

In this question, we have to find the pair with given sum in unsorted array. We have been given an unsorted array along with a number say k. You’ll have to look if there is a pair in the given array whose sum is equal to k. Brute Force Approach to Find Pair With Given … Read more

Two Pointer Approach: An Efficient Technique

In this article we will discuss a linear and constant space technique to solve the programming questions. Two pointer Approach is an efficient technique to solve the problem with optimized time and space complexity. Two Pointer Approach Algorithm is mostly used for solving the array problems, where pointers are actually array indexes. Whenever the solution … Read more

Selection Sort Algorithm

Here, you’ll get thorough info about writing a program using a selection sort algorithm, while implementing an example. This is one of the simplest algorithms for sorting arrays. Its disadvantages are relating to time complexity which will be discussed further. We are tasked to create a sorted array of elements from a given random array, … Read more

Insertion Sort – A Stable Sorting Algorithm

Have you ever played card? If yes, then you’ll feel that insertion sort is somewhat similar to arranging cards in your hand. While arranging cards you’ll place the first card in your hand. After picking the second card you’ll compare it with the existing card and place it in the correct order. In the same … Read more

QuickSort Algorithm

Here you’ll learn how to write a program for quicksort algorithm understand its theory, and using an example learn how its implemented. Contrary to the name, this isn’t the fastest sorting algorithm out there, this will be clearer once the time complexity of QuickSort is discussed later. But first, let’s start with the algorithm approach. … Read more

Merge Sort Algorithm: An Efficient Sorting Approach

In this article, we will learn about Merge Sort Algorithm. There are many well known sorting algorithms but the cool thing about Merge sort is that it takes O(log n) time complexity even in the worst case. Merge sort is a sorting algorithm based on the Divide and Conquer technique. The approach is to transform the … Read more