While Loops in Python

In the previous lesson we have seen why loops are essential in programming languages, in this article we will explore a common type of loop present, that is the While loops in Python. While loop is a loop which first checks whether a particular condition matches, and then executes the statements which are embedded within … Read more

Loops in Python

In the previous article we have seen the Calculator implementation , now we will go through the concept of loops in Python. Looping structures are instrumental in reducing the repeated statements or complexity of code. Let us look at the example of multiplication tables. We need to write a program that accepts a user input … Read more

Break function in Python

In the previous article we have gone through the various approaches of writing a program to print multiplication tables, now let us explore the break function in Python. Before we explore the concept and usage let us look at a problem. We are required to get the smallest divisor of a number such that the … Read more

Multiplication Table of a Number in Python

In the previous article we explore the For Loop structure, now let us take a look at an example case of printing Multiplication Table of a Number in Python. If a user provides the number 3, we return 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 27 and 30. If the number specified was 5 instead … Read more