Factorial Program in Python

In the previous article we have seen the logic and code for obtaining the count of the digits in a number, in this article we will see how we can obtain the Factorial of any user-entered number in Python. Before we discuss the Factorial Program in Python, let us revise the concept of Factorial. The factorial of the number n is the product of natural numbers from 1 to n. Denoted by n, pronounced “en-factorial”. The factorial is defined for non-negative integers. The factorial is calculated by the formula: by multiplying all numbers from one to the value of the number itself under the factorial. 


  • 3! = 1 * 2 * 3 = 6
  • 4! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 = 24
  • 5! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 = 120
  • 6! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 = 720

Implementation of Factorial Program in Python

We need a program to accept the user entered number, figure out the factors of that number and then multiply all of them together to obtain the product which makes up their factorial.

n=int(input("Enter n"))
for i in range(2, n+1):
print("Factorial is", res)
Enter n : 4
Factorial is 2
Factorial is 6
Factorial is 24

In the first iteration after the input value is given, the value of 2 is obtained followed by 6 and then the final result of 24 which is the desired output. Let us trace the program manually:

Tracing of Program:
res =1
n=4 (Input Result)

After 1st Iteration of loop:
res= 1*2=2

After 2nd Iteration of loop:
res= 2*3=6

After 3rd Iteration of loop:
res= 6 * 4 = 24

Alternatively we could use built-in functions to obtain the factorial through the use of the math library and the factorial( ) function.

import math
n = int(input("Enter n : "))
res = math.factorial(n)
print("Factorial is", res)
Enter n : 6
Factorial is 720

Hence we have seen two ways in which the factorial of any given number can be obtained, in the next article we will explore a program to obtain the GCD of two numbers.

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